Optics E-Commerce Bundle (Shopify + Figma) Theme


Polo Themes


Icon for Figma

Figma File

Icon for Shopify

Shopify Theme

bootstrap icon

Version : 1.0.0

bootstrap icon

Updated: 31 weeks ago

bootstrap iconPrice:


08 March, 2023

Compatible Browsers:

Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome, Edge, Brave

High Resolution:


CourseWhiz is a user-friendly and highly customizable online course selling theme designed to help individuals and organizations easily create and sell their own digital courses. With its clean and modern design, CourseWhiz offers a professional and engaging platform to showcase course materials, provide course descriptions, and offer secure payment options to potential customers.

  • Customizable design
  • Responsive design
  • Search engine optimization
  • Support and Documentation

Additionally, the theme includes a range of useful widgets and shortcodes, such as course lists, course schedules, and course reviews, which can be easily added to any course page.


  • Landing page
  • Product listing and details page
  • Search result page
  • Cart page
  • Checkout page
  • Order list, Order detail, Order cancellation, Order received page
  • Prescription page
  • Personal info and Wishlist page
  • Frame finder quiz pages and others


We have designed this theme with a modern and minimal look yet it provides a powerful user experience. Each page you see has a clear purpose and message that conveys to the user. We have created this design with editability in mind, if you edit/remove any section it won’t affect the overall design. With visual hierarchy, clean typography, and readable color contrast, this theme is perfect for your next project.

Developer friendly theme

Booking has been built with the same coding practice as Bootstrap core itself so that you can customize and extend our components super easily, just like Bootstrap.

  • Utility and Component-oriented code architecture for fast, responsive UI development.
  • Dynamic color schemes using SASS to save your time.
  • Well-commented code structure so you can easily copy/paste or remove code blocks.
  • Detailed documentation for a better understanding of theme setup, components, changing the color scheme, etc.

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