Ecommerce shop Theme


Nigar Safarova


Icon for Shopify

Shopify Theme

Icon for Tailwind

Designed in Tailwind

bootstrap icon

Version : 1.0.0

bootstrap icon

Updated: 56 weeks ago

bootstrap iconPrice:


24 April, 2023

Compatible Browsers:

Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome, Edge, Brave

High Resolution:


E-commerce Shopping Website with FakeStore Api

This is a fully responsive e-commerce shopping website project built using React and Tailwind CSS. The website utilizes the Fake Store API to fetch data and display products. The Context API is used to manage state throughout the application.


You can see live demo of this project here


  • Home page displays the featured products, which are fetched from the Fake Store API. Each product card displays the product image, name, and price.
  • Product Details page showing a detailed view of the selected product, including an image, title, description and price.
  • Cart page displaying the added products, quantities and total price. The user can add or remove products from the cart, and the cart will update accordingly.
  • Fully responsive design that can adapt to different screen sizes and devices.


e-commerce shope-commerce shop cart

Installation and Setup

      Clone the repository to your local machine.
      Navigate to the project directory and run npm install to install all dependencies.
      Run npm start to start the application.
      Open `http://localhost:3000` in your browser to view the website.

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